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The Beginning


At the age of six I wore ten rings on my fingers, one on each.  Before that I spent 2 years sailing the South Pacific with my family on our 42 foot sailboat and I learned how to pass the days making bracelets and anklets and trading them with fellow island kids or sailors.  Fast-forward 20 years and the same story is being played out in Australia, Guatemala, and Costa Rica except this time I’m selling and not trading.  I awoke to the realization that people actually wanted to pay me for my creations and this payment was facilitating my travels so I went with it.  When I came home I just couldn’t stop making things and experimenting and the time came when the hobby needed more of an outlet and that was when Peaces by Lauren was created.


The Present


I am now a Mom to a little raggamuffin named Wilder and wife to one amazing human and we all live in Bend, OR where life is good.  I'm lucky enough to have an incredible work studio surrounded by other makers and creators called Mud Lake Studios which is where you can find me most days.



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My first 3 days in my new studio space w
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